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Our Mission

Movement . Nutrition . Medicine . Somatics

8 Mindful-based Practices

We are dedicated to elevating
the human experience through
8 Elements of self-empowerment.

8 principles of somatic education lend awareness to the self-organizing systems of brain-body-heart:

Element 1

Move to Breathe, Everyday. 15 minutes a day, clear mind, body, heart.  Stretch, walk, dance to open the breath in every single cell in your body.

Element 2

Strengthen Your Spine.  Challenge your spine to elongate and become flexible to awaken its connection to body, brain, and heart.

Element 3

Eat Whole Foods.  Eat 80% whole, unprocessed natural foods.  For 20%, let go a little!

Element 4

Develop Self-Awareness.  Support life balance and positive growth through inner-reflection, imagination and creativity.

Element 5

Meditate to Center. Cultivate your inner mind.  Return regularly to your center.

Element 6

Be Self-Responsible.  Be proactive, not reactive.  Attend to Western and Eastern medicine for health and vitality.

Element 7

Care for Your Community & Environment. Guide and be guided by trusted friends and family. Be kind to the Earth.

Element 8

Live From Your Heart.  Listen to and trust your heart to lead. Live your highest purpose in life.

Our advisement is founded in honesty, encouragement and heart-centered suggestion. We can be no better than your commitment. We wish to join with you to amplify your resolve to revitalize the way you live each day.

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