We support the movement of heart-centered, brilliant, compassionate men and women who regard fulfillment as an inner power, emotional wisdom, and embodied leadership that naturally emerge from an undivided whole. We inspire higher potentials in these leaders, healers, and high performers who know they want more out of life. We guide unified purpose through moment by moment human contact – a listening revolution – to move past perceived limitation and separation.
Your renewed relationship to life cannot wait. You are not alone, in facing life’s fears. You are not alone, in celebrating your wins. You are interconnected to every thing, every time, and every one as a part of the web of life. Because of this connection, you have at your fingertips an immense instinct and intuition that can move you past perceived limits to heroic heights and super-functioning capacities.
These capacities are not limited to mystics, but rather to great business people who dream the impossible and make it happen; to mothers who, in empathizing with their children’s pains, even from afar, guide them to safety; and simply to great friends who call you out of the blue because they’ve been thinking of you when you’ve been thinking of them, 3,000 miles away.
I invite you to take two risks:
One is to know that you are already interconnected. You don’t need to be taught that. And the second is to amplify your super-heroic interconnectedness to save time and accelerate your growth.
The 5 Cycles of Emergence. These 5 overarching cycles and elements lead you out of disconnection and fragmentation, and into a meaningful, purpose-driven, fulfilled life. Because they are naturally sequenced, coherent, and emergent, working within the scope of the 5 cycles brings about transformation in a clear, more effortless way.

Resilient expansion arises from enhancing interconnectivity within multiple systems – rhythmic biological cycles, embodied seasonal cycles, and collective cycles. In fortifying the emergent quality of these cycles, sustainable growth and ease become a way of life. New leadership will strive to understand these cycles. New leadership will know that what appears in cycles as opposing forces – biology and spirit, feminine and masculine – is better perceived as a need for a rhythm between both Power and Love, for joining the forces of Self-Mastery and Co-Mastery.
In stress and trauma, we lose touch with the rhythmic laws found in nature that are fundamental to our growth. Getting a good night’s sleep, the rising of the sun, your own heartbeat, the simplicity of your breath. Our need for rhythm is non-negotiable. It’s so ordinary you don’t even notice that it is the very basis of life.
This rhythm reflects the underlying thread of interconnective intelligence that is the core of our ability to be resilient and responsive to life changes that are a part of growing in our health, home and love.
The interconnectivity of the 5 Cycles is the map for developing this responsive change – a quantum shift out of hidden patterns of adaptive survival.

Nature generates these 5 changes (Purpose, Power, Communication, Belonging and Fulfillment) through an ecology of self-organized rhythms, seasons, sequences, and elements – Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal.
The 5 Cycles of Emergence.
1 Purpose
A bold and generous self is alive in your heart. It has a calling, a mission, an important contribution to share with the world. Sometimes it just starts with a goal. The more clear you are, the more you can give, the more you receive. You are the vessel. You are the clearing house for what wants to happen. It’s time to do what you came here to do in this life. It begins with deeper listening.
Emotions: Trust vs Fear
Key words: Interconnective Listening, Compassionate Witness, 10-Senses and the Field
Water Element
2 Power
Inner power is a quiet force within you that knows when to act, how to move and gives you the strength to do so. It begins with your body, the voice of the life current on which your calling rides. Wake up the voices of animal instinct, social intuition, and divine inspiration. Clear direction comes easier when you align the Mind inside the body to stabilize its strength.
Emotions: Creativity vs Anger
Key words: Landing, Polarities, the Body Imprint and Differentiation
Wood Element
3 Communication
Your expression is the spark, but your communication is a rhythm, a coherence and craft inviting others to join in on who you are, what you know, and what you have to share. Coherence is a brilliant wave on which your calling expands to inspire the world. It automatically speaks to the hearts of those you most want to reach.
Emotions: Passion vs Sadness
Key words: Linking, Rhythm, from Higher Capacity to Increased Range
Fire Element
4 Belonging
Moving from comfort, to connection, to contribution emerges when the resonant capacities of your body, brain, and heart unify into a larger wave, together – a synergy of self that reflects in the world as finding the place where people and things settle in well together. Here, with less conflict, inner and outer capacities can join with others to yield unimaginable results.
Emotions: Empathy vs Worry
Key words: Expansion, Complexity and Resonance, Sameness Within Diversity,
Leadership and Listening Teams
Earth Element
5 Fulfillment
A sustained wave of contentment unfolds when self-defining, self-organizing principles illuminate the processes of higher intelligence in the first 4 cycles. This is the Practice of Emergence. The result of this patient ecology is a generosity destined to be continual and self-renewing.
Emotions: Contentment vs Grief
Key words: Emergence, Harmony, Completion, Rebirth and Renewal
Metal Element
“The great danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short;
but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.”
– Michelangelo
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