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Healing La Jolla

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a dysregulation of intestinal function. Those with IBS experience loose stools, diarrhea, constipation, or alternation of irregular elimination, as well as cramping, abdominal pain, gas, and bloating. Stress triggering IBS stems from incomplete “digestion” of emotions and food. Human beings are processors of energy. Neural circuits in the brain, body, and…

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Super Quick Classic Curry

Healing Curry Spices  Spices, like those in curry powder, have the power to heal your digestion, especially when consumed on a daily basis.  Here are few benefits of the healing spices in curry: Coriander - Soothes upset stomach, aids digestion Cumin - Aids indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence Fennel - Reduces indigestion and flatulence Turmeric - Reduces inflammation, aids digestion, anti-infection, anti-oxidant, simulates bile…

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Crazy Blueberry Monster Smoothie

Just gotta have your smoothie in winter?  While cold foods are generally not advised for winter, deprivation is even worse.  We want you to have your smoothie, and drink it too. The oils in the avocado provide warmth for your body and nerves.   Spinach contains abundant flavonoids that act as antioxidants to keep cholesterol from…

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TCM Fall Herbal Tea Cough Remedy

Fall The season of Lung & Large Intestine Fall is a time of change on both in our bodies and our climate and environment. The air temperature has changed and the sun has made its shift into the coolness of fall and winter.  When the air temperatures changes our lungs and respiratory system feel a…

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Kabocha Coconut Soup

Autumn - the season of the lung and large intestine  Fruits and vegetables fall ripe from the vine, reflecting to us the natural outcome of our own ability to come to maturity, to fullness, and to let go. Health during this season is reflected in the health and clarity of our skin and sinuses, and the ease…

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Honey Coconut Summer Smoothie

Summer is the season of the heart-small intestine  meridians in Chinese medicine.  Rich in potassium (like bananas) avocado is a heart healthy super food that aids cardiovascular health by blocking the formation of bad choleterol (LDL), providing protection from possible heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Avocado is a fruit packed full of nutritious fats, oils, and vitamins…

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Lemon Kale Detox Blend

Spring is the number one best time of the year to release toxins from your body.  Known in Ayurvedic medicine as "ama",  toxins stored deep in the ice of snowcapped mountaintops roll down the mountainside into the valleys in the spring - the metaphor for fluids and mucus releasing waste from the body.  If…

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Sweet & Sour Veggies w/ turnips

In winter the cells of our skin and muscles naturally contract to preserve and produce warmth and circulation. To stay warm, we spend more time indoors and eat warming foods, including spices and meats. Our bodies can accumulate too much heat, which, paradoxically, can turn into colds and coughs. Chinese Medicine prescribes eating turnips…

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