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Yoga Fascia 201
Because it is self-organizing, fascia provides an Intelligence Awareness Map (IAM) to cultivate an openness in the body that cultures the mind. Explore the IAM in 12 Monthly Fundamental Yoga Asanas.

Yoga For Stress and Trauma (YST)
A sense of security and solidity within is just one of the gifts of yoga.

These qualities were understood by yoga to manifest in the body structures.  Similarity, stress and trauma manifest in the body, particularly in the brain, organs and nervous systems.  Yoga, then, was originally designed to renegotiate communication not as much in the muscles, but in the deeper neurophysiological and endocrine gland systems in the bodymind that are affected by trauma – structures such as the amygdala, HPA-axis, sympathetic/parasympathetic nerves, organs, and fascia.

In YST, 5 Cycles of elements lead the way to become grounded in your body and your sense of self.

Here are the cycles and the ground they provide:

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