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Yoga Invocations to Patanjali and BKS Iyengar

Invocation to Patanjali

Invocation to Patanjali

Yogena cittasya . . . . . . . .padena vacam
malam sarirasya . . . . . . .ca vaidyakena
yopakarottam . . . . . . . . . pravaram muninam
patanjalim pranajalir . .anato’smi
abahu purusakaram . . .sankha cakrasi dharinam

Translated: Let us bow before the noblest of sages Patanjali, who gave yoga for serenity and sanctity of mind, grammar for clarity and purity of speech and medicine for perfection of health. Let us prostrate before Patanjali, an incarnation of Adisesa, whose upper body has a human form, whose arms hold a conch and a disc, and who is crowned by a thousand-headed cobra.
The Invocation, in honor of BKS Iyengar

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Guruve Namaha
Basic Translation:  Guru is the representative of Brahma (force of creation), Vishnu (force of preservation) and Shiva (force of destruction). He creates and sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.

Brahma is the creator.  Vishnu is the preserver.  Shiva is the destroyer.  Gu means darkness;  Ru means remover. Guru shines light on ignorance, avidya, or darkness, our sense of separateness and disconnection from the whole.   Tasmai Sree Guruve Namaha, “I offer all my efforts to that great teacher.”   In reciting the invocations, you surrender to the forces of the universe – creation, preservation and destruction.  And you are invoking, or ‘inviting in’, those forces and asking to be lead to your own inner guru.

Gloria Gonzalez, Creator of I AM THE MEDICINE

Gloria Gonzalez, is Founder of Eight Elements West, an Institute for Somatic Education and Integrative Wellness, and creator of I AM The Medicine®.   Her private practice includes business therapy, and healing accumulated stress and trauma through:  Somatic Experiencing®, Organic Intelligence®Visceral Manipulation, and Craniosacral Therapy.

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